Yesterday, the weather was a little crazy and one minute it would be sunny... Then the next would be torrential downpour. Needless to say, my decision to try and get a few miles of running in after work was not the smartest but I attempted it anyways. As I was running, the sky was growing darker but the sun was still shining on the beach so I kept running. About a mile in, I felt a rain drop and decided I should probably turn around. It wasn't two raindrops later when the sky fell. I'm not talking a gradual increase from sprinkling to hard rain. I'm talking one drop........ Two drops..... Monsoon! The rain was so heavy that I couldn't see a quarter of a mile ahead of me and I saw two bolts of lighting. So I kept running (shoes squishing and all) and found a public bathroom on the beach road close to a restaurant. I was met by a tourist couple and a local lady with her yorkie adorned with a pink bow. We stood there for a few minutes and admired the rain over the gulf and of course like normal gulf coast weather, it blew over within 10 or 15 minutes.
As the cloud began to move, I noticed a very distinct rainbow where the clouds were breaking and you could see the sun rays shining through the rainbow. It was amazing and got me thinking about the story of Noah and the Ark and God's promise to human kind. When I got home I wanted to freshen up on my rainbow knowledge and found an article on a site called It's called, 'Taking Back The Rainbow' and the author breaks down a few things about the rainbow and what different people interpret it to represent. The coolest thing I got out of the article is that the author talks about how not only does the rainbow represent God's promise to never destroy mankind by water again, but the author says that the rainbow is a 'biblical covenant of Grace.' He backs this explanation with Genesis 9: 12-15 and his explanation is fabulous. I would take a minute to read this article and thank God for His promise and His Grace. Too often we see a rainbow (like many other gifts God gives us) and overlook it because we are going along with our busy day. I am thankful that it was raining so hard that I had to stop and think about this beautiful symbol of promise and grace.
Here is the link to the article I refer to above:
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